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Collooney Golly Miss Molly

Pedigree link
Reserve Best of Breed & Green Star Bitch Cork Championship Show 2019 -
Judge Mrs M. Rainey (U.K)
Reserve Best of Breed & Green Star Bitch Mid West Championship Show 2019 -
Judge Mrs E Gonzalez (Gibraltar)
Reserve Limit Bitch Crufts 2019 (25) -
Judge Zena Thorn Andrews (U.K)
2nd Post Graduate Bitch Border Union June 2016 -
Judge Mr Paul McFarlane (U.K)
Quality type of good type. Attractive feminine appearance. Nicely constructed and this showed in her good movement.
1st Post Graduate Bitch Northern Ireland Whippet Club September 2016 -
Judge Mrs Eva Yacoby (U.K)
Fawn. Sweet head and expression. Well balanced. Enough bone and nice tight feet. Shapely outline with good tuck up. Moved with drive.
2nd Mid Limit Bitch North Eastern Whippet Society November 2016 -
Judge Helen Rishworth (U.K)
Fawn bitch who was slightly distracted and not completely focusing on her performance, but nonetheless there is a lot to like about this bitch. Clean. Well proportioned head. Pleasing neck. Excellent shoulder and upper arm. Good bone and substance while retaining elegance. Correct feet. Deep brisket and ribcage of good length. Lovely muscle tone but a fraction long in second thigh. Strong on the move with correct profile action and accurate fore and aft.
2nd Mid Limit Bitch North Eastern Whippet Society Open Show November 2016 -
Judge Mr Rob Wheeler (U.K)
Very similar type to 1. Just a tad short in body. Another beautiful head and expression. Slightly heavier over the shoulder than 1 but good shoulder placement. Nice outline stood and moving. Really super in profile just preferred 1 out and back
2nd Post Graduate Bitch Belfast Championship Show September 2017 -
Judge Mr Martin Sanders (U.K)
Another quality girl from this line of breeding! Feminine all through. Correct in head qualities with a good eye and gentle expression. Correct in general outline with plenty in rib. Moderate rear angles and stands on good bone with correct feet. Moved out soundly both ways holding a true outline on the go around. Presented in good order.
Gained Stud Book Number
2nd Mid Limit Bitch Northern Ireland Whippet Club September 2018 -
Judge Ann Defaye (U.K)
Lovely type with long neck, good front & nice tight feet. Moved steady, but unlucky to meet winner
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